WOD #1
8:00 Min AMRAP
5 K.B. Swings (53#/35#)
7 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
1 Hang Power Snatch (95#/63#)
WOD #1:
One athlete at a time performs a round.
Number of Hang Power Snatches increase by 1 rep each round (1 rep first round, 2 reps second round, 3 reps third round, etc…).
Score is the Total number of Hang Power Snatches the team completes.
3:00 Min Rest
WOD #2
8:00 Min EMOM
1 Hang Clean, Clean (155#/108#)
30 Sec Max Cal Row
Teams of Two
WOD #2:
On the EVEN minutes: Athlete #1 will perform the cleans and Athlete #2 will perform the row.
On the ODD minutes: Athlete #2 will perform the Row and Athlete #2 will perform the Cleans.
The athlete on the Rower will have the first 30 seconds of the minute to row for as many calories as possible…AMCAP.
Score is the Total number of calories rowed by the team.