“300” workouts

The 300 Workout: Get a Ripped Spartan Body | Onnit Academy 300 Workout #1: Zombie Apocalypse 300 Workout Exercise List 1. Barbell Deadlift and Curl – 50 reps2. Knee to Chest High Planks – 40 reps (20 reps per side)3. … Læs resten


Team på 2, 4 runder Row 250m sprint 2 KB i Rack position Skiftes til at ro og holde KB “Leaves you like you have been sucking on a tailpipe of a car” Henry Cavill træning til Superman. … Læs resten

Team Workouts

10 Awesome and Fun CrossFit Team Workouts You Got to Try Workout 1 This killer workout is suitable for a team of 4 people. Keep scores, and either compare team member 1 and 2 with team member 3 and 4, … Læs resten

Hero workout – Liam

Liam For time: Run 800 meters with a 45-lb. plate 100 toes-to-bars 155-lb. front squats, 50 reps 15-ft. rope climbs, 10 ascents Run 800 meters with a 45-lb. plate Partition the toes-to-bars, front squats and rope climbs as needed. Start … Læs resten